Obama promised a health care insurance system that would be cheaper and provide better service. He boasted that 30 million new policy holders would be added to the present system, most of whom would pay nothing, and health insurance would be cheaper for the rest of us. He promised that senior health care would go on undiminished even though he was stripping $716 billion from the Medicare fund.
Obama had to know that his health care scheme would be financed by stealing $716 billion from Medicare and making young people pay for insurance they do not need. But he also knew that if he told the truth about Obamacare, his plan for socialized medicine would never become law, because the public would remove from office anyone who voted for it. So he lied.
Obamacare is useful to Obama only because it is his strongest effort, to date, to socialize the country and concentrate power in the federal government. Kimberly Strassel describes this trend:
“Efforts to centralize control in the name of “fairness” have led to a society that is ever more at the mercy of a federal power—one that decides who does and does not succeed. The winners are favored special interests, political cronies and wealthy lobbyists. The losers are everyone else.” –Wall St Journal, Jan 3, 2014, “The Year of the Washington Power Grab”
Why centralize power? Because that is what progressives, socialists and communists always do. Otherwise they cannot impose top-down schemes like Obamacare on the public. History teaches these schemes never work, as Obamacare is not working, but if they are implemented after the people can no longer vote, it is unimportant whether they work or not. Socialism doesn’t have to work; it only has to gain the public confidence until the public is too weak to resist complete dismemberment.
Obama’s entire thrust, beginning with community organizing, is top-down uniform change. That is also the method of his radical and communist friends, mentors and supporters. His clients, the people at large will never demand the type of changes favored by those who would equalize incomes and save the world from treating anyone different from anyone else. These changes must be imposed from above.
There is a recurring theme among the many changes Obama would impose from above: destruction of the hated white power structure, and, by implication, of the country it has built. Whites, in Obama’s world, must be repaid for its enslavement of blacks. It is no accident that Obama’s first official act as president was to remove the bust of Winston Churchill from the White House, and return it to Britain, who had given it to the United States. While too many of us Churchill is an heroic figure who was able to steer a besieged Britain through the Second World War, for Obama, Churchill is the arch-enemy, the emblem of white imperialism (the British empire) and a proponent of white supremacy.
As racially insidious as Obama is, we as a people are his willing dupes. Why would we listen admiringly, as Obama tells us that adding 30 million people who pay nothing to an existing health insurance base will save us money? Why would seniors applaud Obama’s statements that seniors will continue to get the same health care, at the same time he is removing $716 billion from Medicare? And why would voters say nothing as Obama engages in scandal after scandal, never answering, never taking responsibility, and never punishing those who broke the law?
This country, and probably any republic, will self-destruct when the majority reduces everything to the lowest common denominator and taxes producers into oblivion. In order to avoid destruction, voters would have to become immune to charlatans posing as saviors, pay attention to what is going on and vote out of office those who abuse the public interest. But that is not happening and perhaps it never will happen, for it is not in the nature of masses of people to care about anything except their own narrow experience.
Even if Obama does not succeed at wrecking the country, that does not help much, for the next Pied-Piper socialist who gets into office will presumably be more circumspect than Obama has been. Unlike Obama, the next progressive savior will be smart enough not to actually harm the voters’ self-interest until it is too late for them to act. As it is, Obama’s legacy is merely to demonstrate that it is not too difficult to dismantle the country.
Voters will always ignore the world around them. They will always be oblivious of events that can change their lives dramatically, and, it seems, they will always fall for the most ridiculous con job socialists can think up. To borrow a quote from Winston Churchill, Obama’s least favorite person, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
It’s not that the average voter is evil; it’s only that he has a penchant for suicide.
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The post Barack Obama on Medicare: Lord of the Lies appeared first on Freedom Outpost.